Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Thing 6. Online Image Generators

I tried the "Image Chef" and created this license plate. It was quite easy to do and fun. I also did a trading card on "Big Huge Labs".
There are endless possibilities for using this too!

Friday, August 1, 2008

Thing 5: More Flickr Fun

Wow! This is fun! It was quite easy to do. I probably won't use this tool in our academic library. I'm not very comfortable sharing photos online.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Thing 4. Photosharing with Flickr

I uploaded this photo from my Flickr account. This is a photo of Mt. McKinley that I took on a vacation to Alaska.

I had a difficult time uploading the photo and had to ask a co-worker to help. This would be a great tool to use if I had a lot more time.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thing 3: Set Up an RSS Account & Add Feeds

I set up an aggregator account with Google Reader. I added one of the SMILE participant's blogs to my Google Reader account. Also added a WCCO news feed and the "Unshelved" library cartoon feed.
RSS & newsreaders are a great way to keep up with all types of information (news, recipes, blogs etc.). I have also added the MINITEX Reference blog to my Google Reader and will continue to use this for my work environment. I will do some feed searching for good health information to add to my reader.
The Google Blog search was easy to use. I really like it.
I am very impressed with this web tool.

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Thing 2: What is Library 2.0?

I read all of the articles and watched Stephen Abram's video. The one thing that he talked about that I find to be difficult is finding time to keep up with all of the new web tools. I will be doing my "23 Things On a Stick" mostly on my home computer.
I am participating in "23 Things" so that I can recognize and understand some of the things patrons are talking about. I hope to start using some of the tools in my work. I have used wikis (ShareILL) and our library has set up wikis to communicate between staff and workstudy students. I am looking forward to learning about Flickr.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Thing 1: Set up your Blog

I created my blogger account yesterday. It was very easy to do. I am looking forward to exploring all of the rest of the "23 things on a stick". I made an avatar and exported it to my blog. Making the avatar was not very difficult but my computer at home kept "locking up". It was a relief and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I was able to view my avatar on my blog. I noticed that there was an article in the Mankato Free Press about avatars. It felt great to know what they are and that I have "done that".